STADLER VÖLKEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Comment on the Cartel and Competition Law Amendment Act 2021

17 Juni 2021
Comment on the Cartel and Competition Law Amendment Act 2021

The Austrian federal government is proposing to revise Austrian competition law with the Cartel and Competition Law Amendment Act 2021 (Kartell- und Wettbewerbsrechts-Änderungsgesetz 2021 - KaWeRÄG 2021). STADLER VÖLKEL has filed a submission on the proposed legislation as part of the legislative process. The submission can be found on the Parliament's website or downloaded here.

Attorney Mag. Florian Prischl, head of STADLER VÖLKEL's antitrust and competition law practice group: "The draft KaWeRÄG 2021 proposes far-reaching changes to Austrian competition law that deserve close scrutiny. We have put forward the position of STADLER VÖLKEL and that of our clients in the legislative process and plead for a revision of the draft."

STADLER VÖLKEL advises clients on all aspects of business law, including competition law. The firm also represents clients in all types of competition law proceedings before courts and authorities.

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