STADLER VÖLKEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Blockchain and crypto law - regulatory opportunities de lege lata and de lege ferenda

3 Dezember 2017
Blockchain and crypto law - regulatory opportunities de lege lata and de lege ferenda

Oliver Völkel and Christian Piska in the current issue of the Austrian journal für technology law on the topic "Blockchain and crypto law - regulatory opportunities de lege lata and de lege ferenda". Blockchain technology and its most significant application so far, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ether are booming like never before. Insiders speak of the biggest shot since the Internet of the 90's. This new article shows that it is essential for the legal mastery of this phenomenon to turn one's back on the increasing overregulation and to go the way of a smart regulation. Christian Piska lays out the framework of such a smart regulation in this article. Oliver Völkel then describes a sandbox concept model which could offer new applications of blockchain technology de lege ferenda, and shows how the smart regulation proposed by Christian Piska can already be easily implemented on the basis of existing legal norms de lege lata.

You can read the result of the legal analysis here.

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