STADLER VÖLKEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Whitepaper: Security Token Offerings (STOs) - Anatomy and Context

1 Juli 2021
Whitepaper: Security Token Offerings (STOs) - Anatomy and Context

Together with more than 20 experienced partners from the blockchain, finance and banking industries, area2invest presents the key aspects of this new type of financial product in a whitepaper series entitled "STO 101: Anatomy and Context of Security Token Offerings", detailing what issuers and investors need to know and consider. STADLER VÖLKEL was also involved in the preparation and describes the path to a successful STO.

Authors of the whitepaper series include:
The six-part whitepaper series explains and provides answers to key questions around the topic of Security Token Offerings:
  • What steps need to be considered when conducting a Security Token Offering?
  • Which factors influence the placement success of a Security Token Offering?
  • What is the current status on security token trading in the secondary market?
  • Is an increased entry of institutional investors into this segment to be expected?
  • What conditions need to be met in order to make Security Token Offerings suitable for the masses, also with regard to additional investors?
  • What are the costs of an STO compared to a conventional issue?

The first whitepaper "Structuring Guide" explains with numerous examples and expert opinions which concrete steps are necessary to successfully carry out a Security Token Offering.

You can download the full whitepaper here.

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