STADLER VÖLKEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH

WTR 1000 - 2024 - STADLER VÖLKEL listed as one of the top trademark law firms in Austria (category BRONZE).

13 Februar 2024

The World Trademark Review guide has listed SV.LAW as well as Arthur Stadler and Jacqueline Bichler. Not only is SV.LAW listed one of Austria's top trademark law firms (under BRONZE) for the third time in a row. Furthermore, the individuals Arthur Stadler and Jacqueline Bichler were recognized for their outstanding work, particularly in the field of trademark law. Arthur and Jacqueline have specialized in trademark law for many years and support their clients with trademark applications and trademark disputes, among other things.

We would like to thank the entire team at the law firm and, above all, our fantastic clients for their trust and exciting projects. We are delighted to receive this award.

WTR 1000 - 2024 - STADLER VÖLKEL listed as one of the top trademark law firms in Austria (category BRONZE). #1
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