STADLER VÖLKEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH

ÖBl: YouTube und Cyando – Video-Sharing und Sharehosting

14 Februar 2022
ÖBl: YouTube und Cyando – Video-Sharing und Sharehosting

Is YouTube liable if users upload copyrighted content unlawfully? Can the video-sharing platform invoke the limitation of liability in such cases or does it constitute a copyright-infringing "communication to the public" of such content? In June 2021, the European Court of Justice addressed this question about the #liability of a video-sharing service (YouTube) and a sharehost (Cyando).Jacqueline Bichler and Veronika Krickl have analysed the decision in the current issue of Österreichische Blätter für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht.

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